The Importance of Maintaining Your Website

Website maintenance is important to any business. Your website is a worldwide window into your business and it can have a big impact on how the value of your product or service is perceived.

Just like your cars, websites require maintenance to operate properly. Properly maintaining your website helps to ensure site security, increase the number of new visitors, boost returning traffic, and more.

A well-maintained website is critical for real-time service industries. All businesses need regular website maintenance to attract and retain customers, maintain search engine rankings and present new information, products and services to the public. Website maintenance is also required to maintain the value of the website over time.

Our checklist will convince you!

1. Periodical Website Performance checkup

2. Virus, Bugs and browser incompatibility removal

3. Server performance checkup

4. Monthly website & Database backup

5. Monthly website visitor report

6. Content maintenance / Add/ Edit and update content

7. Check all forms are working properly and enquiry mails are getting received.

8. Check for any broken link on the website

9.404 error identify and resolve or redirect to an working URL

10. Image manipulation and addition (client supplied images)

11. Replace images i.e. Pictures & graphics

12. Adding/removing pages

13. Newsletter & email list maintenance

14. Shopping cart product updates

15. Website modification and addition of website content

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