Understanding SaaS Product & Marketing Strategies to Grow Faster In 2022

The best way for advertising SaaS depends a lot on the stage of your product.

Successful SaaS products typically have four distinct phases: pre-traction, initial traction, initial scale, and scale. 

1.    Pre-traction: Pre-traction is the phase of a SaaS product’s journey that people imagine when they think of a start-up company. Less than a handful of dedicated people working around the clock to first get their product out the door, and iteratively improve it.

2.    Initial Traction: This phase is similar to the Pre-traction phase but at least you have some client and some case study, but you still have to fight tooth and nail for each customer you win.

3.    Initial scale: Process and efficiency improvement is a pathway to the next major stage of a SaaS company. This phase aims to establish credibility by building a loyal customer base while preparing for the growth and scaling that comes next. You can see the direction of your product is going.

4.    Scale: On achieving scale, focus is on optimising process and entering new markets. If you’ve reached scale you already have a well-developed sales & marketing machine, but you’re always looking out for new opportunities to grow faster.

Tips for SAAS Product marketing

1.    Focus on quality instead of quantity: To have a successful SaaS marketing campaign, you need to generate leads that will really become your customers in the future. The ones who will purchase your product on a regular basis and recommend it to their friends.

2.   Find out what your target audience really wants: it is important to know how your target customer behaves, their needs and motivations, and the problems they have. This way, you will know what type of massage is best suited to persuade them to buy your SaaS service.

3.   Understand your customer’s momentary needs: you have to find out what your target customers are looking for and give them exactly that. To do this, you can perform an online survey or ask people around you what their needs are currently. Once you determine those needs, don’t wait until they become a burning desire before offering your solution.

4.    Offer Free trails: The key to this type of campaign is to begin by giving some free value first. This way, your target customers can get an idea of what your product offers without having the feeling that you are trying to sell something. In addition, those people will see how useful and necessary them your service really is.

There are two ways you can use Inorganic marketing for the benefit of your SaaS product –

1.    To understand your market better

2.    To increase reach

Below are some SaaS marketing strategies to grow faster

1.    Content Marketing

2.    Offer Free trails

3.    Search Engine Optimization

4.    PPC campaign

5.    Review Site Marketing

6.    Referral Marketing

7.    Mutual Partnerships

8.   Demos, video, and VR demonstrations.

9.   Automated Customer Success.

10. Data Enrichment

Contact: dhirendra@xoniertechnologies.com

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