What will be the next business idea in the e-commerce field in 2022?

E-commerce store

Ecommerce has changed the world and how we see it — with 24/7, 365 days of buying and selling opportunities. Online shopping provides loads of online education and for businesses, there is no geographical limitation. Consumers have access to a wealth of local and global information.

E-commerce is a billion-dollar business idea. Online stores are growing really fast and online sales are likely to be worth US $4.8 trillion by 2021.

You might be thinking that starting an e-commerce store is really a tough task, but it is not so.

For starting your e-commerce store, We are at Xonier technologies providing a very economical solution for eCommerce startup (Website development, mobile application, digital marketing) on a small monthly fee. You can contact at sales@xoniertechnologies.com to fix an appointment with our eCommerce startup consultant.

Top Ecommerce Companies

1. Amazon – Highest revenue-generating/world’s largest online. Net sales $233 billion 2018

2. Alibaba – Net worth reach US $550 billion, 3 web portals Alibaba, Taobao, and Tmall

3. eBay, Inc. – Total sales volume $37.52 billion 2018

Sell Online Courses

According to a report by Research and market, e-learning is growing with a CAGR of 7.07% and is expected to reach US $65.41 billion by 2023. In the current market, every student looks for an option where he/she can learn anytime and anywhere and that is only possible with online courses.

If you are good at something like dance, music, guitar, SEO, mathematics, Java, science, or any other topic that people find difficult to learn, then you can make courses for that subject.

Though online teaching can be started without investing money like on Facebook or on YouTube, but then you won’t be able to earn from them. If you really want to make good money, then I would suggest you to use paid services so that your courses look extremely professional and people become ready to pay for them.

You can learn more about how to start Online course selling business idea at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-do-online-learning-site-work-make-money-dhirendra-kumar-/

Online Service Platform

If you have thoroughly researched the e-commerce industry, you would know that the industry is not limited to retailers or those with products, non-merchant can sell their services online too.

You could offer a platform that is specifically for small service-based businesses. The platform has to be one that provides streamlined back-office administrative tools that would easily manage your clients and their sales such as customer relationship management (CRM) integration, social media tools, as well as sales tracking. All you would need to do is charge your site users for using your service.

Crowdfunding sites

Crowdfunding sites use small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to finance a new business idea or existing venture. Such sites usually make use of the easy accessibility offered by the vast networks of friends and families through social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to attract investors and provide visibility for the new business.

As an entrepreneur looking to go into this business, you would have to be aware of the strict regulations guiding the business. For example, in the United States, there are regulations on who is allowed to fund a business on crowdfunding sites and how much they can contribute.

Online Escrow Payment Solutions

An escrow payment solution provides the service of holding an amount for another party that can only be released for a specified purpose. For example, two parties online are involved in a transaction that would require that the transaction be carried out to the first party’s satisfaction, before funds can be released; they then seek the services of an authorized third party who then holds onto the funds, till the transaction has been completed satisfactorily before the money can be released.

Before starting this business, you would need to find out the financial requirements and other regulations that might be required in the state you would be operating from.

Online Business Consulting

As an online business consultant, you are to give your clients strategic services that will help make their brands compelling. You can do this by creating campaigns for your client, generating awareness as well as building a lifetime customer loyalty for your client.

You also get to strategize on content in such a way as to unify the brand messaging and tone, and also ensure that the audience gets engaged through relevant content on website, social media, emails, advertising as well as other brand materials.

Travel Booking Website

Travel booking websites sell a range of travel products which include discounted flight and cruise tickets, and also travel packages. Most often, visitors will use your website to search discounted deals on hotels, accommodation and flight.

All bookings are then handled and forwarded to the corresponding travel partner, while your website which is regarded as an affiliate earns in the form of per-click and per-booking earnings. Your profit grows with traffic.

Online Food Ordering Portal

Food home delivery is not new and has been around for a long time, however with ecommerce; you can tie your portal to a local restaurant and allow customers order for food online.

You can also create a common platform for most restaurants and customers. Customers search for restaurants, and place order in their chosen restaurants, and either pay for it online or opt for cash on delivery. The delivery is done by the restaurant with you getting a commission for each delivery.

Online Grocery Store

In starting this business, you would need to build a website, by first buying a domain name, renting a hosting plan, and then uploading clear images of your products to your website. You would also need to source for your products by finding suppliers that can give you their products at a discount rate.

Another great option for you is in introducing drop shipping method on your site where you list products as available on your site, and then calling your supplier to supply to whoever places and order.

Online Directory Service

This is a low investment business that can be started from home. The popularity and global reach of the internet, has led to this kind of business opportunity. Online business directories are more dynamic, more updated as well as interactive for users. However, you would need to make a decision on whether to cater to a specific industry or profession, or a generalized directory.

The most important part of an online directory is the database, you would have to constantly ensure that the database is continually updated and cleansed of any errors, while hiring an SEO expert to help popularize your website on the internet.

Online Employment Portal

This is a niche business. An online employment portal acts as the middleman for job seekers in desperate need of jobs, and companies who are looking for prospective employees to fill the vacancies in their offices. In essence, your site is a platform connecting two ends.

In order to have an edge over your competitors, you would need to provide advanced tools like analytics which can prove to be useful for job seekers

Car Booking Platform

One of the key areas in the eCommerce sector is the online car booking market. It is now easy to find out all the information about a car online. With advanced tools, users can even compare as well as book new and used cars online.

It works basically on a multi-channel level where new cars are sold in business to customer model, while used cars are sold in peer-to-peer model. All that would be required from you as an entrepreneur is that you provide an intuitive platform in form of your website with an immersive design.

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