Case study details


Industry – Recruitment and Mini Jobs

Company: WeCare4You

Environment – WeCare4You is an entrepreneurial company from Germany that aimed to validate their recruitment business model for the pharma industry in the US, Canada, and Germany. The company's focus was on helping part-time job seekers and remote workers find suitable employment opportunities that fit their availability, thereby improving their standard of living.


WeCare4You faced several challenges during the experimentation phase, including the difficulty of obtaining technical and HR recruitment resources and the lack of validation for their business model.

Client was in experimentation mode

Getting technical  and HR recruitment process resources were a challenge 

  1. Business model not getting validated

About  Company – This is an entrepreneurial company out of Germany who wanted to test the business model of recruitment process in pharma industry in US, Canada and Germany. 

Situation – Client had a small recurring budget to create technology solution and set up a recruitment process for Mini Job industry. They were finding a partner to execute the complete business model.

Solution -  To address these challenges, WeCare4You partnered with Xonier Technologies, who took on the responsibility of revamping the digital presence and setting up the recruitment process team with clear KPIs. Xonier Technologies deployed an initial WordPress site with payment integration for quick turnaround, which was later replaced by a complete PHP CI-based web platform with back-office management processes. They also enhanced WeCare4You's digital presence with digital marketing, including social media marketing, AD words, blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter handle, and more. As a result, the job market responded well to the marketing efforts, and the business model started generating revenue.


WeCare4You's recruitment business model in the mini job industry was successfully validated, and the revenue model was established. The client is now planning to scale up the startup, and Xonier Technologies is proud to continue the relationship with them. A comprehensive business case was prepared in consultation with the client to support the scaling out of the model.
They Showed Confidence
In Xonier
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